You only need 4 ingredients, puff pastry sticks with ham and cheese

Indulge your taste buds with a delightful culinary experience by crafting puff pastry sticks with ham and cheese. This article will guide you through the process of creating these savory treats, offering variations to suit different preferences. Elevate your cooking skills as we explore the ingredients, preparation steps, and additional twists to this delectable recipe.


Puff pastry (rectangular, refrigerated) 1 pack
Sour cream 250 g
Smoked ham (diced) 120 g
Cheese (grated) 150 g


  1. Roll Out the Puff Pastry:
    • Start by rolling out the rectangular puff pastry on a clean surface.
  2. Layer with Sour Cream:
    • Spread half of the sour cream evenly on one half of the puff pastry.
  3. Add Ham and Cheese:
    • Sprinkle half of the diced ham and grated cheese on top of the sour cream.
  4. Fold the Pastry:
    • Fold the unlined side of the puff pastry over the side with the sour cream, ham, and cheese.
  5. Repeat the Process:
    • Repeat the layering process by spreading the remaining sour cream and adding the remaining ham and cheese. Fold the uncoated half over it.
  6. Cut into Strips:
    • Cut the prepared puff pastry into strips using a sharp knife.
  7. Twist and Place on Baking Tray:
    • Carefully twist each strip in a spiral shape and place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  8. Bake:
    • Preheat the oven to 190°C.
    • Bake the twisted puff pastry sticks for about 20 minutes or until they turn golden brown.

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