Until cops see a photo of a school bus driver holding a boy’s hand, she doesn’t believe it’s a big deal.

Separating from one’s parents may be a traumatic experience for any child, therefore many children find going to school alone distressing, especially in the beginning when they are unfamiliar with this new chapter of their lives.

When Axel Johnson was getting ready to start school, he seemed ecstatic. As he waited for the school bus, his mother Amy snapped a photo of him, and he was all grins.

When it came time for him to board, though, his expression altered and he was on the verge of crying. When he had to separate from his mother, tiny Axel was obviously not as strong as he thought he would be.


Isabel Lane, the bus driver, observed Axel’s face shift from happy to sad, but she was determined to convince him that riding the bus and going to school with a lot more kids his age was not dangerous. As Axel sat in the seat behind her, Isabel put her hand behind her and Axel grabbed it. It was a very nice moment that Amy managed to capture on camera.

Isabel demonstrated that she was more than a driver; she cared about the happiness of the children. She wanted Axel to know that even if his mother wasn’t with him on the bus, he could always count on her. Her demeanor reassured the terrified kid that everything would be fine.


Amy thought the photo of her son with the bus driver was so interesting that she decided to share it on Facebook. She expected people to like it, but she had no clue it would receive so many compliments.

The photo was even shared by the local police department, garnering over 2,400 likes.


Isabel was taken aback by the compliments she received. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal to begin with.” “I suppose this is something I’d do,” she said.


But that was a significant event. Axel was no longer afraid the next day because he knew he had a friend in Isabel. He was all smiles and excited to start a new journey.

Axel now looks forward to each new day at school, thanks in large part to Isabel.

In the video below, you can watch the entire story. Remember to share it with your family and friends; perhaps it will inspire someone to do something positive.

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