My plastic windows don’t get wet in winter. I tell you how to get rid of condensation in 3 minutes (my useful tips)

Dealing with condensation on windows during the cold season can be a nuisance. In this article, I’ll share my foolproof method that takes only 3 minutes to eliminate condensation. Before diving into the solution, let’s understand why windows fog up in the first place. If poor installation or faulty windows are the issues, replacement might be the only solution. However, for common reasons like high indoor humidity and low ambient temperature, my method works wonders.

  1. Open the windows wide for 3 to 5 minutes, allowing moisture to escape.
  2. If you have multiple windows, open all of them for better ventilation.
  3. Close the door and leave it for 7-10 minutes to ensure effective moisture removal.
  4. Close the window and open the door, allowing warm air to enter and equalize the temperature, preventing condensation.

This ventilation technique, recommended by a plastic window installer, has proven to be highly effective in my experience.


Additional Tips for Preventing Condensation

Kitchen Ventilation

When cooking in the kitchen, turn on the hood and open the window slightly to reduce humidity levels. This simple habit can significantly contribute to preventing window fogging.

Addressing Window Fogging Issues

The problem of window fogging is more than just an inconvenience; it can lead to mold formation and frozen windows in winter. Taking proactive steps to address the root causes ensures a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

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