My plastic windows don’t get wet in winter. I share with you how to get rid of condensation in 3 minutes (my useful tips)

Winter can be beautiful, but not when your windows are constantly covered in condensation. In this article, I’ll share my foolproof method that takes just 3 minutes to banish condensation and keep your plastic windows dry all season long.

Understanding the Culprits Behind Winter Window Fogging

Before diving into the solution, it’s crucial to grasp why your windows fog up in the first place. While a poorly installed or faulty window may require replacement, there are common factors contributing to condensation during winter:

  1. High Indoor Humidity: Excessive moisture indoors can lead to condensation on windows.
  2. Low Ambient Temperature: Cold weather outside exacerbates the likelihood of condensation.
  3. Wide Window Sill Issues: A broad window sill may obstruct hot air from reaching the window surface.
  4. Cluttered Window Sill: Objects like flower pots on the window sill can impede warm air circulation towards the windows.

The Foolproof 3-Minute Solution

Now, let’s get straight to the solution. When you notice your windows starting to fog up, follow these steps for a quick and effective remedy:

  1. Ventilate the Room: Open the window wide for 3 to 5 minutes. If you have multiple windows in the room, open them all. Ensure proper ventilation.
  2. Close the Door: After ventilating, close the door. If time allows, leave it closed for 7-10 minutes. This allows moisture to escape without making the room excessively cold.
  3. Reintroduce Warm Air: After the wait, close the window and open the door. This allows warm air to enter, evening out the temperature and preventing condensation.

This method, essentially a form of ventilation, was shared with me by a plastic window installer and has proven to be highly effective.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Dry Windows

To further combat condensation, especially in areas prone to moisture like the kitchen, consider these preventive measures:

  • Cooking Ventilation: When cooking, use the hood and open a window slightly to reduce indoor humidity.

Remember, window fogging is not just a nuisance; it can lead to mold formation and frozen windows during winter. Implement these tips, and enjoy clear, dry windows throughout the season.

Wishing you a winter free from condensation troubles!

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