Honey Garlic Ribs

Honey Garlic Ribs are a delightful treat for your taste buds. The sweet and savory flavors blend perfectly, making it a favorite dish for many. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive recipe for these succulent ribs, along with engaging insights and answers to frequently asked questions.


Pork spareribs 4 pounds
Honey ½ cup
Soy sauce ¼ cup
Distilled white vinegar ¼ cup
Brown sugar 2 tablespoons
Garlic, minced 2 cloves
Baking soda 1 teaspoon
Garlic salt 1 teaspoon


    1. Preheat the Oven
      • Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
    2. Prepare the Ribs
      • Slice the pork spareribs into individual pieces.
    1. Make the Sauce
      • In a large bowl, combine honey, soy sauce, distilled white vinegar, brown sugar, and minced garlic.
      • Stir until honey and sugar are completely dissolved.
      • Stir in baking soda; the mixture will begin to foam.
    2. Coat the Ribs
      • Transfer the sliced ribs to the bowl with the sauce.
      • Turn the ribs to coat them thoroughly.
    3. Prepare the Baking Sheet
      • Cover a cookie sheet with foil.
      • Arrange the ribs meat-side up on the prepared sheet.
      • Pour any excess sauce over the ribs and sprinkle them with garlic salt.
  1. Bake the Ribs
    • Bake the ribs in the preheated oven for 1 hour, turning them every 20 minutes for even cooking.
  2. Enjoy
    • Your delicious Honey Garlic Ribs are ready to be savored!

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