Creole beef steak

4 filetes de carne de ternera
1 cebolla
2 tomates maduros
½ cucharadita de comino
½ cucharadita de orégano
Sal y pimienta
2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva\


Salt and pepper the fillets, season with cumin and oregano.
In a large frying pan, heat a tablespoon of oil, add the fillets and sear them over high heat on both sides. Withdraw and reserve.
Cut the onion into thin slices. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and also cut them into slices.
In the same pan, add another tablespoon of oil and fry the onion until it crystallizes.
Add the tomatoes and sauté for 10 minutes. The idea is to get a juicy sauce. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.
Add the steaks with their juices, cover them with the sauce, cover and cook over medium/low heat for 5 more minutes.Enjoy!

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