Clean the Base of Pots and Frying Pans Easily Using This Good Method

Kitchen maintenance poses challenges, especially when dealing with pans and saucepans that accumulate a black crust or become blackened due to direct flame or excessive cooking. This becomes crucial for non-stick or induction cookware, where aggressive scrubbing may damage the delicate surface. In this article, we explore a gentle yet effective cleaning method using common household items.

Salt – The Kitchen Cleaning Powerhouse

-Salt and Sugar Scrub

Combining salt with sugar creates a potent cleaning mixture. Apply it to the dampened area, spray water, and let it sit. After a few minutes, gently scrub with a sponge for a sparkling clean result.

-Salt and Vinegar Treatment

Utilize salt alone or enhance its cleaning power by spraying white vinegar. Let the mixture work its magic, then scrub gently and rinse thoroughly. The abrasive properties of salt combined with vinegar’s acidity break down stubborn grime.

-Sponge Soak Method

Soak a sponge in lukewarm water, add a drop of dish detergent, and sprinkle with fine salt. This creates a gentle yet effective scrubbing pad. Rub the affected area and rinse well after cleaning.

Tips for Best Results

  1. Allow Cooling: Always let the pan cool completely before attempting to clean it.
  2. Test Small Areas: If concerned about surface damage, test a small area first.
  3. Persistence Pays Off: For persistent stains, repeat the process a couple of times.
  4. Patience is Key: Be patient and avoid harsh chemicals or metal scouring pads.

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