I’ve never gotten so many compliments on something I’ve made!

German Potato Pancakes, a traditional favorite, offer a delightful culinary experience. Discover the joy of creating these golden-brown delights that serve 15. This comprehensive article guides you through the process, providing insights and tips to master the art of making perfect German Potato Pancakes.



Gold potatoes, shredded 6
Eggs, Large 2
Flour 2 Tbsp.
Pepper ¼ tsp.
Salt ½ tsp.
Onion, Finely chopped ½ C.
Baking powder ¼ tsp.
Vegetable oil, for frying ¼ C.


  1. Mix Ingredients: Combine shredded potatoes, eggs, flour, pepper, salt, chopped onion, and baking powder in a bowl. Mix well until everything is fully combined.
  2. Heat Oil: In a skillet, heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat.
  3. Shape Pancakes: Spoon small 1/4-cup portions of the potato mixture into the heated oil, shaping them into pancakes.
  4. Cook Until Golden: Cook for a few minutes on each side until the pancakes turn golden brown and crispy.
  5. Drain Excess Oil: Place the cooked pancakes on a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess oil.
  6. Serve: Enjoy your German Potato Pancakes! They pair well with sour cream, applesauce, or your preferred toppings.

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