The neighbor gave the recipe. We have been eating for a week now and we still want it!

Discover the perfect Tomato and Bell Pepper Recipe with a burst of flavors. Follow this step-by-step guide for a delightful culinary creation. Elevate your dish with colorful bell peppers, ripe tomatoes, and a blend of aromatic spices.



Bell Pepper 1 (colorful)
Garlic 4 cloves
Vegetable Oil 4 tablespoons
Sugar 2 teaspoons
Salt 1 teaspoon
Paprika 1 teaspoon
Black Pepper 1/3 teaspoon
Tomatoes 800g
Dill Freshly chopped
Sesame Seeds For garnish


    1. Prepare Ingredients: Begin by dicing the bell pepper, mincing the garlic, and chopping the tomatoes while preserving their juicy essence.
    2. Sauté: Warm vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sauté garlic and bell pepper until softened, awakening their flavors.

    1. Simmer: Add tomatoes, sugar, salt, paprika, and black pepper to the skillet. Let it simmer, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes transform into a rich, savory sauce.

  1. Herb Infusion: Remove the skillet from heat. Stir in freshly chopped dill for an herbal undertone.
  2. Chill: Allow the dish to cool to room temperature before refrigerating for at least 2 hours. This enhances flavor intensity and harmony.
  3. Garnish and Serve: Sprinkle sesame seeds over the top just before serving for added texture and a nutty flavor boost.

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