Dump this magic sauce over raw chicken in casserole & get a decadent meal in no time.

If you’re craving a culinary experience that tantalizes the taste buds, look no further than these Baked Sweet Chili Chicken Bites. Packed with flavor and easy to make, this recipe is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a cozy dinner at home or a gathering with friends. Let’s dive into how to make this mouthwatering dish and elevate your cooking game.

Ingredients for Baked Sweet Chili Chicken Bites

Gather these ingredients to embark on your flavorful journey:

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts 4 breasts, cubed
Rice vinegar 1/4 cup
Honey 1/2 cup
Warm water 1/2 cup
Cornstarch 1.5 tablespoons
Minced garlic 2 teaspoons
Crushed red pepper 2 teaspoons
Sriracha sauce 1 teaspoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Cooked rice or noodles For serving
Sesame seeds or green onions For garnish

Instructions to Prepare Baked Sweet Chili Chicken Bites

Follow these simple steps to create a culinary masterpiece:

  1. Preheat Your Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 400°F (200°C). This ensures that your chicken will cook evenly and develop a delicious flavor.
  2. Prepare the Sweet Chili Sauce: In a bowl, combine warm water, honey, rice vinegar, cornstarch, minced garlic, crushed red pepper, Sriracha sauce, and salt. Whisk these ingredients together until you achieve a smooth consistency, creating the sweet chili sauce that will infuse your chicken with irresistible flavor.
  3. Coat the Chicken: Place your cubed chicken breasts in a casserole dish, ensuring they are evenly distributed. Pour the prepared sweet chili sauce over the chicken, making sure each piece is thoroughly coated. This step ensures that every bite bursts with flavor.
  4. Bake to Perfection: Place the casserole dish in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 30 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked. For an added touch of golden perfection, broil the chicken for a few minutes at the end, creating a crispy exterior that complements the tender interior.
  5. Serve and Garnish: Once cooked to perfection, serve your Baked Sweet Chili Chicken Bites hot over a bed of cooked rice or noodles. Garnish with sesame seeds or sliced green onions for a visually appealing presentation that adds a pop of color and flavor.

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