Apply This to Your Furniture and Surfaces, and Say Goodbye to Dust Issues

Dust is a common nuisance that settles on various surfaces, making cleaning a continuous task. Fortunately, there are several simple and effective methods to clear dust from different areas of your home. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 10 expert-recommended dust cleaning methods to help you maintain a clean and comfortable living environment. Say goodbye to dust issues and keep your furniture and surfaces looking pristine.

1. Leather Furniture

Cleaning leather furniture requires special care. To remove dust from leather surfaces, avoid using dry cloths. Instead, use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to clean the crevices and corners of the furniture effectively.

Leather furniture exudes elegance and luxury, but it’s also susceptible to dust accumulation. To keep your leather furniture looking its best, follow these steps:


  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to reach into the nooks and crannies of your leather furniture.
  • Gently vacuum the surface to remove loose dust particles.
  • Be cautious not to scratch or damage the leather while cleaning.

2. Electronics

Delicate electronic screens and surfaces require gentle cleaning. Use a clean dryer sheet to wipe down screens on devices like computers, phones, tablets, and TVs. This method effectively removes dust without scratching the screens.

Electronics are an integral part of our daily lives, and keeping their screens clean can enhance your viewing experience. Here’s how to do it:


  • Grab a clean dryer sheet, preferably unused.
  • Gently wipe the screen with the dryer sheet to remove dust and smudges.
  • The anti-static properties of the dryer sheet will help repel future dust buildup.

3. Baseboards

Before sweeping or vacuuming the floor, use a clean paintbrush to dust baseboards. This prevents the dust from falling onto the freshly cleaned floor.

Baseboards often go unnoticed during regular cleaning, but they can accumulate a significant amount of dust. Follow these steps to maintain clean baseboards:

  • Take a clean, dry paintbrush.
  • Gently brush the paintbrush along the baseboards, collecting dust as you go.
  • Regularly cleaning baseboards will prevent dust from settling on the floor.

4. Candles

Candles can collect dust over time, making them less appealing and reducing their light’s quality. To clean them, take an old pair of pantyhose, bunch it up, and rub it over the surface of the candle to remove dust and debris.


If you love using candles to create a cozy atmosphere, it’s essential to keep them clean. Here’s how to remove dust from candles effectively:

  • Take an old pair of pantyhose.
  • Gently bunch it up to create a textured surface.
  • Rub the pantyhose over the candle surface to remove dust and debris.

5. Deep Clean Your Broom

After dusting, your broom can become dirty and clogged with dust and debris. Regularly clean your broom to maintain its efficiency and prolong its lifespan.

A clean broom is more effective at dusting and sweeping. Follow these steps to deep clean your broom:

  • Fill a bucket with warm, soapy water.
  • Submerge the bristles of the broom in the water.
  • Use a brush or your hand to remove dust and debris from the bristles.
  • Rinse the broom thoroughly and let it dry before using it again.

6. Car Vents

Car vents often accumulate dust, which can get blown into the car when the air conditioner is turned on. Use a foam brush to clean the vents and remove dust effectively.

Clean car vents not only improve air quality but also enhance the overall driving experience. Here’s how to clean your car vents:

  • Get a foam brush or a small, soft brush.
  • Gently insert the brush into the car vents to remove dust and debris.
  • You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle attachment for a more thorough clean.

7. Light Fixtures

Different types of light fixtures require specific cleaning methods. For chandeliers, hanging or standing light fixtures, use a lamb wool duster. For recessed can lights, use a damp cloth to dust the fixtures.

Clean light fixtures provide better illumination and add to the aesthetic appeal of your space. Here’s how to clean different types of light fixtures:

  • For chandeliers and hanging light fixtures, use a lamb wool duster with an extendable handle for high places.
  • For standing light fixtures, you can use the same lamb wool duster or a damp cloth to wipe them clean.
  • Recessed can lights can be cleaned using a damp cloth to avoid disrupting the wiring.

8. Wood Furniture

Wood furniture can be easily cleaned using various materials. Old T-shirts, lamb wool dusters, feather dusters, or dust cloths can all effectively remove dust from wood surfaces. Dampen the cloth slightly if there is a lot of dust to avoid scattering it.

Wood furniture adds a warm and inviting touch to your home. Here’s how to maintain the cleanliness of your wooden pieces:

  • Choose a soft cloth or duster suitable for wood surfaces.
  • Gently wipe the furniture to remove dust.
  • If there’s a substantial amount of dust, dampen the cloth slightly and wipe again.

9. Clean Dust and Gunk from the Windshield

The interior of your car’s windshield can accumulate dust, smoking residue, oils, and other debris. Regularly clean the interior windshield to ensure clear visibility. Use appropriate glass cleaners and microfiber cloths to achieve a streak-free result.

A clean car windshield is crucial for safe driving. Follow these steps to clean your car’s interior windshield:

  • Use a quality glass cleaner that’s safe for automotive use.
  • Spray the cleaner onto the interior windshield.
  • Wipe the windshield using a microfiber cloth, ensuring there are no streaks or smudges.
  • Make sure to clean the entire windshield, including the edges and corners.

10. Maintain Air Quality

Preventing excessive dust buildup starts with maintaining good air quality. Use high-quality air filters in your HVAC system and consider using air purifiers to reduce dust particles in your home.

Maintaining good air quality is essential for your health and comfort. Here’s how to achieve it:

  • Use high-quality air filters in your HVAC system and change them regularly.
  • Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters to reduce airborne dust particles.
  • Keep your living space well-ventilated to allow for better air circulation.

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